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USC Norris
I recently purchased Total and refreshed the design of my website using the template. As an artist I am only limited time and budget, and I needed to have my website up and running with as little of my involvement as possible. AJ, Adrian and their marketing genius, have been very responsive and top drawer with their support, especially when I use their ticket support system, while I set up the website. My website is not the best nor is it the end-all-be-all, but it works and looks much better than what I could have hacked with my basic knowledge of coding. Plus if you look through their support forum AJ and his team have provided quick and helpful responses where applicable, and you can somewhat gauge the customer support there as well. Thank you Adrian and AJ for your time and support. I wish you guys continue to deliver and do well.
Being a first time WordPress user I was able to build a website without any programming experience what so ever. As you can image I've asked quite a few questions due to having zero experience with WordPress before purchasing the Total theme. The support team has always been polite, courteous and quick to respond to my questions no matter how basic they might be.
I've listed Customer Support as my reason, as nothing else really matters to me unless there is some level of support behind it. AJ was swift in replying to my comment post for support. Aside from that, the TOTAL theme I purchased is unbelievable!!!... The Total theme has been a blessing as I build and update my site. It has allowed me to create a new site that is far beyond my old themed site, and I did it all myself after a developer quoted nearly $10k to build 6-custom page templates, whereas I created 49 complete pages on my own for the cost of the theme. Okay, it took months to complete, but in the end, I saved a lot of capital, learned a lot about my new Theme, and have a completely new site (instead of just a few new templates from a developer). Thanks again, as you have developed the perfect combination of a customizable, flexible and feature packed theme that I can be proud of using.
Well, I accidentally hit the Save button by accident. The theme surpasses "excellent." And the quality of the theme is only surpassed by the most excellent support that AJ provides via the "Discussion on Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme." He works long, hard hours (too hard, I'd say), goes way out of his way to answer all questions in great detail every single day, and has great grace with and patience for all, including and especially those of us who are new to WordPress and have had to learn, with his help, how to crawl and to stand before we could walk. I don't know what I would have done without his help. I'd give it twenty stars, instead of the maximum of five, if I could.
This is the best Wordpress theme I've used so far - and I've used many. It is flexible, intuitive and allows me to easily create great page designs. There are plenty of fonts and unlimited color choice (including transparency), and I can select different backgrounds for different pages (which is not possible on most themes). The various page elements provide plenty of options for displaying content in the clearest possible way. I'm grateful to have finally found a powerful theme that works well.
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