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USC Norris
Research Forum - Anne Kirchhoff, PhD, MPH
Sept 30, 2020 2 - 3:30PM


Improving insurance and health care experiences for adolescents and young adults with cancer. The talk will discuss our AYA-focused studies in Utah, including research through the Huntsman-Intermountain Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Care program, along with our intervention and administrative data research efforts.

Anne C. Kirchhoff, PhD, MPH is a tenured Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Utah School of Medicine and a Huntsman Cancer Institute Investigator in the Cancer Control and Population Sciences Research Program. As a health services researcher, her program primarily concerns evaluating patient outcomes related to healthcare access and cancer late effects, and developing interventions for childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer survivors, with a focus on addressing the social and financial consequences of cancer. Dr. Kirchhoff's research interests include using large, population-based surveys to examine socioeconomic outcomes and environmental health outcomes of cancer survivors. Dr. Kirchhoff has institutional grant support and external funding via the NIH and foundations.

To view Dr. Kirchhoff's presentation please click here.

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